about tform
TFORM provides data quality management specifically engineered for IT Ops, providing automation and insight to optimize the delivery of IT services.
Intuitive Ingest
Not all data is created equally. In addition to TFORM’s out-of-the-box scanning engine, our data ingest capability from other data sources distinguishes between types of data sources and leverages them differently based on DQM best practices.
An agentless scanning engine integrates with multiple data sources to use your existing investments
Smart Screening
Don’t waste time sifting through tons of data. TFORM eliminates noise and delivers actionable exception reports based on best practices. In addition to automation, TFORM provides a detailed exclusion tracking framework ensuring nothing critical slips through the cracks.
Individualized Interface
TFORM dashboards are role-based to put actionable information into the right hands. Enabling technical resources to boost productivity by focusing on high value activity. Executive and management summary dashboards enable leadership to quickly view team status, performance and progress.
Organic discovery
An agentless organic discovery enables an accurate, complete and consistent repository of assets across a hybrid environment.
Dependency Mapping
Dynamic application dependency mapping detects issues across layers to comply with performance, availability, security and cost objectives.
License management
TFORM optimizes your investments by validating that licenses across a single device are consistent and by minimizing the risk of license violations caused by under-reporting usage.
Adaptable Automation
TFORM goes beyond DQM automation, providing automated exclusions, tagging, target identification and a framework that performs bulk and line-item specific automation for repetitive and common IT Ops tasks.
Identifying automation opportunities and targets keeps you in control by automating only what you want, and nothing else.

Want to learn more about how TFORM can optimize your IT environment? Talk to us. We’re happy to help.