Is CMDB Inaccuracy Creating Blind Spots in Your IT Operations?

Elevate Your Company's IT Data Quality, Enhance your Cybersecurity Posture, and Maximize ROI on Current Tool Investments with TFORM.

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of organizations with inadequate CMDB tooling will face disruptions in 2024.

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of the C-Suite aren't getting substantial value from their company’s CMDB investments.

Today's IT Demands Uncompromising Accuracy, Security & Operational Clarity

Data is the lifeblood of a business — driving decision-making, innovation and overall success. And yet, studies show that data inaccuracy is a pervasive issue, with 40% of the world’s enterprise data being inaccurate, missing or wrongly contextualized at any given time.

C-Level executives striving to address this issue are often making little to no progress. Their IT teams also suffer ongoing issues with their Configuration Management Database (CMDB). Per Gartner, the average CMDB inaccuracy rate is a solid 30%. In our experience, we’ve seen this be as high as 46%.

How Confident Are You in the Accuracy of Your CMDB ?

Did you know that IT downtime costs businesses an average of $5,600 per minute, according to Gartner?

A well-maintained CMDB can improve incident management and reduce downtime, positively impacting service delivery and client satisfaction.

As leaders, you and your teams need complete visibility into your company’s IT environment in order to optimize operations, improve service delivery, enhance compliance and minimize risk. Unfortunately, inaccurate IT data in your company’s CMDB will prevent you and your IT teams from having a comprehensive understanding of all of your assets.

Worse still, it creates vulnerabilities that Cybercriminals can find and exploit. It’s like navigating cybersecurity battles partially blinded, with organizations not fully aware of unprotected assets

According to IBM, the average cost of a data breach in 2023 was $4.45 million, a 15% increase over 3 years!

How can you avoid this? How can you finally get complete, transformative visibility into your company’s IT environment once and for all?

How dangerous is inaccurate data in your CMDB? Very dangerous. For Companies, CMDB inaccuracies can translate into:

TFORM Brings Clarity, Accuracy and a Unified View Across Your IT Environment

At TFORM, our mission is to give our customers the most up-to-date, accurate and comprehensive view into their IT operations than ever before. Our powerful Data Quality Management platform quickly and efficiently bridges your company’s existing IT tools – identifying dependencies, correcting inaccurate data and delivering a unified data source that simplifies IT operations, boosts security and drives efficiency. Use the TFORM platform for:

Improving the accuracy of your CMDB to near 100%.
Identifying discrepancies and reporting data across existing tools.
Identifying and eliminating hidden IT (shadow IT), minimizing security risks.
Elevating the precision of security tools, enhancing threat detection and response capabilities.
Improving the accuracy of your CMDB to near 100%.

Get Powerful IT Insights with TFORM

TFORM is composed of IT industry professionals with hundreds of years of combined experience, who have walked in your shoes and know the challenges that a diverse and complex IT environment can bring.

Having worked with numerous organizations – many of them in highly regulated industries – our experts have helped IT departments successfully transform from limited operational visibility and data issues to full confidence in their data integrity.

Our Promise to You

Start Benefiting from TFORM Immediately in 6 Impactful Ways

TFORM quickly and efficiently cleanses bad data at the source, streamlining IT operations through an accurate CMDB (your single source-of-truth) and significantly enhances utilization across all other critical tools. 


TFORM quickly and efficiently cleanses bad data at the source, streamlining IT operations through an accurate CMDB (your single source-of-truth) and significantly enhances utilization across all other critical tools.


TFORM ingests unlimited data sources such as ITSM CMDB, Security tools, Anti-Virus, Monitoring, Backup, and many others creating a single pane of glass of your entire IT environment.


TFORM’s powerful 3-way correlation engine exposes data inconsistencies from various sources, all in one user-friendly interface.


TFORM’s powerful 3-way correlation engine exposes data inconsistencies from various sources, all in one user-friendly interface.


TFORM’s Application Dependency Mapping (ADM) charts the interconnections between systems and applications, offering a holistic view of your IT infrastructure.


TFORM is compatible with any public cloud and toolset, making it ideal for cloud and data center migrations, as well as for facilitating mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures.

Enjoy These Key Benefits from TFORM

TFORM quickly and efficiently cleanses bad data at the source, streamlining IT operations through an accurate CMDB (your single source-of-truth) and significantly enhances utilization across all other critical tools. Here’s how:

Enhanced ITSM Data Accuracy

Improve the accuracy of your company’s CMDB to near 100% to create a single source of truth you can rely on.

Reduced Complexity

Quickly & efficiently bridge your IT team’s existing tools for uniformity across your data sources, simplifying IT operations and improving service delivery and efficiency.

Boost ROI

TFORM maximizes ROI by enhancing utilization of existing tools, automating expensive manual processes, optimizing license and maintenance expenditure and providing strategic insights for better decision making.

Tighten Security

TFORM levels the cybersecurity playing field by revealing hidden IT assets, reducing your attack surface, and enhancing threat detection, ensuring you’re no longer fighting blind against attackers.

Are you ready for a FREE consultation?

Building a strong foundation for your company’s future starts with reliable data. We understand the challenges bad data can create for every level, from the C-suite to the IT team.

The TFORM platform can help by uncovering hidden insights, ensuring accurate information, and ultimately, empowering you to make informed decisions.

If you’re looking for a trustworthy partner to help you navigate data challenges and help you resolve this stubborn problem once and for all, we’d love to hear from you.

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